Wow! Just watched this unfold on The Chosen and now read it here. Beautifully written Lindsey! I know the Lord is telling me there is nothing impossible for God!! Our prodigal daughter, Elisabeth, just returned two days ago to visit us after 2 years of being estranged from us, but to tell us she wants to leave her husband of almost 3 years because she doesn't love him any more. She wants us to help her go about it without him knowing. Her husband is not perfect but is a good man. They both are not saved and consider themselves Agnostic. My husband and I have been praying for them to come to Christ again and for a relationship with them. We pray for our daughter to have forgiveness in her heart, for the release of the stronghold of deception, and for our daughter's salvation. I know God's will is at work with her, and we will not stop believing in His promises. Thank you for giving us hope as we read 'The Way Home'. God Bless!!

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I love this. It reminds me of one of my favorite sermons ever. You can hear it by going to YouTube and typing in "Charlotte gambil chick night" or click the link below


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I love this so much! There is nothing too hard for Him! Praise God!💜

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I too just relived this moment, from watching season 4 episode 7 of The Chosen for the 4th time. Plus this past Sunday Lazarus was mentioned and in devotionals. Gods testimony, that for Him, nothing or no one is impossible. ❤️ 🙏 Thank you for this story.

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Wow! Just watched this unfold on The Chosen and now read it here. Beautifully written Lindsey! I know the Lord is telling me there is nothing impossible for God!! Our prodigal daughter, Elisabeth, just returned two days ago to visit us after 2 years of being estranged from us, but to tell us she wants to leave her husband of almost 3 years because she doesn't love him any more. She wants us to help her go about it without him knowing. Her husband is not perfect but is a good man. They both are not saved and consider themselves Agnostic. My husband and I have been praying for them to come to Christ again and for a relationship with them. We pray for our daughter to have forgiveness in her heart, for the release of the stronghold of deception, and for our daughter's salvation. I know God's will is at work with her, and we will not stop believing in His promises. Thank you for giving us hope as we read 'The Way Home'. God Bless!!

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This is an amazing story. Thank you for sharing this God given talent. My daughter is a prodigal. Her name is Natasha. Know that God has spared her life many many times. She has been with several men, in and out of people's homes, and still is wandering. She has become addicted to some of the world's poison. Sometimes I feel like that she's making progress to make her way home, and then the next phone call her world is someone else's fault. I know there is hope for her and I will not stop praying.

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My relationship with my daughter is dead!! I grieve continuously and feel so guilty! I also have a prodigal son and a wonderful daughter who believes but doesn’t walk with the Lord - yet!!! I have recently been led by the Lord to the story of Lazarus in particular that Jesus called him out of the tomb by NAME and that he commanded for him to be ‘LOOSED’ and ‘LET GO’. Still processing that and was led to this wonderful story this morning by listening to Miss Karen and FPF. God bless you both as you dedicate your lives to minister to others! I love you all ❤️❤️🙏

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Very well written 👏🏼

What a joy! It was like watching a movie as the mind put pictures to the written words, thank you

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Wonderful! Nothing is impossible for our amazing God x

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Praise God

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